Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. So he said to Peter, “Yes, you were not able to watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. ” Mt 26, 40-41
Following this thought, we want to organize the development of contemplative life in Poland by creating a network of hermitages and places of adoration, which will be available to people who seek to deepen their spiritual life. We want priests – as well as interested lay people – to be able to have a place close to their place of residence where they can spend at least one day in silence, in meditation and prayer. In addition, we want to support spiritual development through discussions, recommended readings or indicating a good and proven confessor in the area. We are constantly looking for places where new hermitages could arise. If someone has a place that he would like to donate or make available for the needs of hermit life, please contact us. We start with two adapted hermitages and a network of places of adoration The principle of the contemplative life is to do in life what is necessary for life and salvation.
Here it makes it clear that in order to really find God, it is not enough to pray with your heart and mouth or rely on the help of others, but at the same time you must make every possible personal effort and work. For one act done personally is more important to God than many acts done by others for a given person. So here too, having recalled the words of the Divine Bridegroom: “Seek and you shall find” (Lk 11: 9), the soul rushes on its own, as we have already indicated, to seek the Bridegroom by its own efforts, so as not to be left without him, like many they would like to possess God without any effort at the cost of a few prayers, and prayers still wrong, not wanting to do anything for Him that would cost them a little. Some do not even deign to rise from their place of delight and contentment, but in a way expect the taste of God to flow into the mouth and into the heart without the slightest effort and mortification on their part by rejecting consolations, likes and useless whims. All these people, as long as they do not confess them to seek God, even if they cry out to Him even longer, will not find Him. For this is how the Bride in the Song of Solomon looked for him (3: 1-2) and did not find him until she ran out to look for him. He expresses it in these words: “On my bed at night, I searched for the beloved of my soul, I searched for him, but I did not find him. I will get up, I will go around the city in the streets and squares, I will look for the beloved of my soul ”. So, only later, when she has suffered some hardships, does she say that she has found him (Song 3: 4). from “Meditations on the priestly life” – St. Józef S. Pelczar